Genealogy Data Page 14 (Notes Pages)

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.


Haight, John B. (b. 20 DEC 1796, d. 24 DEC 1830)

Death: 24 DEC 1830
Reference: 137

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McCord, Jemima (b. 23 MAR 1800, d. 9 FEB 1818)
Death: 9 FEB 1818

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Haight, Elizabeth (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 138

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Haight, Hester (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 139

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Haight, Abraham (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 140

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Barrett, Abraham (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 13

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Barrett, Mary (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 14

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Barrett, Ann (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 15

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Barrett, Martha (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 16

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Barrett, Samuel (b. 1682, d. 1759)
Note: !Samuel Barrett removed to Bedford, in Westchester County, and was the founder
of the Barrett Family in that place. He could have been born in 1684, came to
Bedford at age 20 and died at the age of 65 years.
Abstract of bill of sale - Joseph Tomkins of Bedford, Westchester, N.Y.,
yoeman, with Dorothy his wife Sold to Samuel Barrett "of ye Yonkers in ye
County & Province aforesd" for 16 pounds "curant money of New York" May 20,
1714 "in ye thirteenth year of ye reigne of ... Anne" "All that fivety
acres of land in ... Bedford ... in ... ye New Purchase which ... is bounded
... west & north by highways east by ye land of Vincents Simpkins south by ye
land of Josiah Jones together with a full head right of all undevided
land in ye abovsd New Purchase ... and also ye sd Joseph Tomkins doth
oblige himself ... to pay quitrents for ye primises for ten years next ensuing"
(BHR, III, 79)
The land bought above by Samuel Barrett is shown on a 1708 drawing with
succesive owners Sarah Seeley, then David Holmes, then Joseph Tompkins, then
Samuel Barrett. (BHR, II, 265)
"The mark of Samuel Barrett is a cropp on ye left eare and a halfpeny on ye
under side of bothe ears Recorded this 2d day of August 1714 pr Zach Mills
cler" (BHR, III, 64)
Att a town meeting held at Bedford April ye 1st 1718 voted by ye freholders
assembled ... Voted as aforesd that Samuel Baret shall be colecter for ye year
ensuing (BHR, I, 111)
Abstract of bill of sale - Samuel Barrett of Bedford, Westchester, N.Y. Sold to
Abraham Barrett of Yonkers for 10 pounds N.Y. money Oct.23, 1722 "All yt ye
lands, tenements ... rights ... of wch John Barratt of ye Yonkers late died
seized & possessed of as his real eastate within ye bound and limits of ye
Samuel Barrett his mark
Witnesses: William Betts, R. Barton
Ack'd Oct. 23, 1722, before Noah Barton, J.P.
Entered Oct. 29, 1722, by W. Forster, clerk
(BHR, IV, 234)
May 18, 1736 Samuel Barrat, proprieter of Bedford, drew lot 10/11 and 1/35 as
his allotment in the New Purchase.
(BHR, I, 134-5)
Abstract of bill of sale - Richard Bouton of Bedford, Westchester, N.Y., yoeman
Sold to Samuel Barrett of same place, yeoman, for 15 pounds five shillings
"currant money of New York" "All that a certain lott or parcel of land ...
in ... Bedford ... near a place known commonly by the name Cantito & was laid
out to the right of Zachariah Roberts Senr. late of sd Bedford deceased & is
numbered twenty four as in & by the draft of sd. lotts may appear containing
... ffity acres ... bounded east & west by an high way south by ye lott laid
out to the right of Obadiah Seely & north by ye lott laid out to ye right of
John Copp"
Richard Bouton
May 20, 1737
(BHR, III, 205)
I, Samuel Barrett of Bedford in the County of Westchester and Colony of New
York, being of a weekly habit of Body, though of a sound mind, and apprehentive
of my approaching desolution do by this my will and testament do give up my
soul into ye hand of God, who gave it; and in hopes of a glorious resurrection
and my body of commit to ye Dust, and to a decent Christian Burial. and
further as to the worldly estate which God has given me my will is that, after
my Funeral Charges and just debts are paid my loving wife Jemimah Barrett
should have the third part both of my personal and real estate to her own
proper use and behoof to dispose as she sees fit, during the time she remains
my widow and to my eldest son, John Barrett, I will five shillings, over and
above what he hath already had, also I will and bequeath five shillings to my
second son, Abram Barrett over and above what he hath already had, and further
to my third son, Samuel Barrett I give and bequeath five shillings and to my
fourth son, James Barrett, I will my three year old steers, also I will to my
son James Barrett the half of all my lands that remain undisposed of and
further to my fifth son, Jonathan Barrett, I will and bequeath five shillings
in money over and above the twenty pounds which I paid upon his account unto
Benoni Plat - by the hand of my son Samuel and to my sixth son, Isaac Barrett I
give and bequeath all the remainder of my lands which remain as yet undisposed
of and to my daughter, Mary Barrett I will and bequeath one cow, also my will
is that she should have six ewes and six lambs. and as to the remainder of my
moveable estate I will it to my beloved wife to dispose of it according to her
pleasure and lastly I do constitute and appoint my beloved wife Jemimah Barrett
executrix and my son Abram Barrett executor of this my last will and testament.
In witness where I have here unto let my hand and seal - this 15th day of
March 1759.
Samuel Barret
In presence of
Moses Fountain Sr.
Henry Light
Eneas Monson
Abram Barrett came before J. W. Barlow, Surrogate on Sept. 13, 1759

SOURCE: (1) BHR - Bedford Historical Records, Vol, page
(2) Queens College Library, History Department, file #1186

!Samuel Barrett (3) had his Grandfather Samuel's roving nature and in the 13th
year of the reign of Queen Anne, on 20 May 1714, he purchased 50 acres of land
in Bedford from Joseph Tomkins in the New Purchase. By August he was settled
and had his pig ear crop mark registered. In October 1722 he sold to his
brother Abraham, all his share in the Yonkers Plantation. In 1736 he owned Lot
Richard Bouton at Cantitoe. Samuel's will is in the Queens College Library,
Long Island, NY. It was written on 15 Mar 1759 and probated on 13 Sep 1759,
leaving his wife Jemima, daughter Mary and sons John, Abraham, Samuel(4),
James, Jonathan and Isaac Barrett. He could have been born in 1684, came to
Bedford at age 20 and died at the age of 65 years.

SOURCE: (1) Katharine Barrett Kelly.
Source: (Birth)
Abbreviation: Putnam County Barretts
Note: Putnam County Barretts Born Before 1900's
Death: 1759 Bedford, Westchester Co., NY
Reference: 3

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Holmes, Jemima (b. 1710, d. ?)
Note: ! ERRMSG: Jemima Holmes is only 12 years old at the birth of son John Barrett.

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Ruth, {sp#525} (b. 1676, d. ?)
Death: --Not Shown--

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Holmes, David (b. 1679, d. 1734)
Note: !David Holmes(3) and Ruth made their home in Bedford, the new Connecticut town.
David made his will in 1732, but it was not recorded.
Boo says in OUR HERITAGE, page 2a, David was born in 1672. This may be a typo
because it puts David out of birth order with his brothers and sisters.

SOURCE: (1) Katharine Barrett Kelly.
Death: 1734

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Barrett, John (b. ABT 1722, d. 7 JUL 1802)
Note: ! John Barrett sold his Bedford property to Theophilus Kellam for 20 pounds on
26 Sep 1756. In his father's will dated 15 Mar 1759, he was given 5 shillings
to go with what he already had. Listed in the Bedford records is John Barrett
and wife Abigail sold to Eli Tyler of same place for 70 pounds NY money
25 Apr 1770 "A certain 27 acres and 1/2,
bounded...beginning at the southeast corner at a heap of stones and running
northerly by Andrew Airses land..." On 1 Aug 1792, John Dingee swore before
Ebenezer Lockwood, Esq, First Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, that he was
grantor and signed this deed (entered 28 Sep 1792). He was on the Philip
Philipse Patent of 1777 Tax List.

SOURCE: (1) Katharine Barrett Kelly
(2) Bedford Historical Records
(3) History of Putnam County
(4) Westchester County Land Records
Death: 7 JUL 1802 Carmel Twsp.Putnam Co.NY
Reference: 5

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Barrett, John (b. 1741, d. 2 APR 1817)
Note: !John Barrett died aged 76 years. He was in the 1790 Census of Kent, NY. He may have had seven children.
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Old Gravestones of Putnam County, NY
Note: Old Gravestones of Putnam County, NY Barbara Smith Buys Baltimore: Gateway Press Inc. 1975
Page: 149
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Handbook Of Barrett's
Note: Handbook Of Barrett's Glendon E.Wheeler 1634 N.Darcy Ave.Simi Valley Calif.93065
Death: 2 APR 1817
Burial: Barrett Cem.Carmel, NY
Reference: [J134]

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Barrett, Isaac C (b. 1773, d. 10 NOV 1853)
Note: ! Isaac C. Barrett did the inventory of estate of Gideon Barrett, his brother,
in 1819 along with John Barrett, Jr (1).
Funeral in Peekskill Hollow by Elder Nathaniel Robinson of Kent/Fishkill
Baptist Church at Farmers Mill (2).
John Barrett petitioned Surrogate Court on 5 Dec 1853 representing that Isaac
Barrett, a resident of Putnam County, died in Putnam County on 10 Nov 1853.
Isaac left a last will and testament. Surviving children are named as Mary,
Eunice, Sarah and John, and deceased daughter Patty is named, as are her
children. Also listed are the children of Ebenezer, deceased son of Isaac. He
is inexplicably unnamed in the petition, unless an error was made in
transcription. Finally, Isaac's wife Rachel is named. All are listed as
residing in Putnam County except Laura, in East Fishkill, Dutchess County. All
are of full age except Warren, who is a minor under the age of twenty-one. John
signed the petition with his mark (3).

SOURCE: (1) Probably Surrogate Court records.
(2) Wheeler, Appendix D11q.
(3) Old Estates, V. B, p 355, Putnam County Surrogate Court,
(4) Carmel Wills Book G, Page 31.
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Old Gravestones of Putnam County, NY
Note: Old Gravestones of Putnam County, NY Barbara Smith Buys Baltimore: Gateway Press Inc. 1975
Page: 149
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Handbook Of Barrett's
Note: Handbook Of Barrett's Glendon E.Wheeler 1634 N.Darcy Ave.Simi Valley Calif.93065
Death: 10 NOV 1853
Burial: 12 NOV 1853 Barrett Cem.Carmel, NY
Reference: [I072]

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Beyea, Rachel (b. 1772, d. 24 JUL 1858)
Note: !Rachel died aged 86. Her funeral at Peekskill Hollow was by Elder Nathaniel Robinson of the Kent/Fishkill Baptist Church at Farmers Mills. Rachel's maiden name is Beyea, according to Betty Behr.
Death: 24 JUL 1858
Burial: 26 JUL 1858 Barrett Cem.Carmel, NY
Reference: [R002]

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Barrett, James (b. ABT 1796, d. ?)
Note: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am unable to locate the record that lists James as a son of Isaac (1773-1853), as recorded by KBK.
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Handbook Of Barrett's
Note: Handbook Of Barrett's Glendon E.Wheeler 1634 N.Darcy Ave.Simi Valley Calif.93065
Reference: [J010]

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Barrett, Lydia (b. 1812, d. ?)
Note: ! 1845 Census, Kent, Putnam Co., N.Y.: 5-27 Solomon Barrett 2 males in family,
including head; 3 females in family, 1 entitled to vote; 1 married female under
45; 1 unmarried female under 16; 5 family members born in NY; 1 child between
5-16, 22 acres of improved land.
1850 Census, Kent, Putnam Co., N.Y.: Solamon Barritt, 40, real estate $900,
NY, Farmer; Ledia (wife) 31, NY; Milison (dau.) 6F NY; Sarah A. (dau.) 3F.
1860 Census, Kent, Putnam Co., N.Y.: 115-116 Solomon Barrett 49, real estate
$2000, personal $450, illit; Lydia 37: Melissa, school, 17: Peter 35 Farm labor,
Next door is Mary Barrett age 75, b. NY. illit., living alone.
1870 Census, Kent, Putnam Co., N.Y.: 255-278 Solomon Barrett 58; farmer;
Lydia 47; Melissa 27; Elmer S. 8; Lydia A. 6.
1880 Census, Kent, Putnam Co., N.Y.: 276-292 Solomon Barrett 67, NY; Lydia
56; Elmer S. Barrett 18, grandson; Lydia A. Barrett 15, granddaughter.
Next door to Peter Barrett 55, Sarah 34, Henry L. 13, Elenora 12, & Tillott 2.
1900 Soundex New York, Putnam Co., Kent, ED 48, sheet 2, line 59. Lydia
Barrett b. 1823, age 77 b. NY.; Dedirick Knapp with her. She is his aunt.

SOURCE: Louanne Barrett, 1995.
Reference: [L144]

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Brewer, Eunice (b. 1779, d. 21 APR 1868)
Note: !Eunice died aged 89.
Source: (Death)
Abbreviation: Old Gravestones of Putnam County, NY
Note: Old Gravestones of Putnam County, NY Barbara Smith Buys Baltimore: Gateway Press Inc. 1975
Page: 149
Source: (Individual)
Abbreviation: Handbook Of Barrett's
Note: Handbook Of Barrett's Glendon E.Wheeler 1634 N.Darcy Ave.Simi Valley Calif.93065
Death: 21 APR 1868
Burial: Barrett Cem.Carmel, NY
Reference: [E360]

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